Sunday, January 23, 2011

Initial Reactions/First Week

Hey everyone!  Just completed my first week in Port-au-Prince.  Seen a lot of things and done a lot of work already.  I've included my first video blog.  One thing I hope to accomplish the three months I am down here (aside from the rebuilding projects) is to improve the professionalism of my video blogs.  I need some work on my delivery, performance and video work.  Fortunately I set the bar low.  Hope you all enjoy.


  1. What a nice video, thanks for sharing! Happy oppisite day!! We laughed about your father sending you an email!! :) Take Care

  2. T.J.

    Thanks for the update. Love the video. Some of your project would be great.

    Sounds like they may have a problem with "uromisitisis".

    Uncle Rick
